[email protected]   888-233-6121

Request an exam

To request an appointment at one of our imaging centers or mobile screening events, please fill out our exam request form.

Check to see Assured Imaging accepts your insurance

An Assured Imaging representative will contact you as soon as possible to review and complete your scheduling request.

Note: Not all mobile events will be listed. Call 888-233-6121 opt. 1 for more info.


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7717 N Hartman Ln
Tucson, AZ 85743

Assured Imaging Women’s Wellness is the leading provider of mobile digital mammography in the United States. With a footprint that covers more than 60 locations across 16 states we are doing more to promote early detection of breast cancer than any other similar provider in the country.

Copyright © 2019 Assured Imaging

Assured Imaging is a subsidiary of United Medical Imaging. Who is UMI?

  1. https://www.hervelleroux.com/
  2. https://crotonsushi.com/
  3. https://trainingbyicli.com/
  4. https://www.illustratorsillustrated.com/
  5. https://www.ramona-poenaru.org/
  6. https://esphm2018.org/
  7. https://www.startupinnovation.org/
  8. https://www.paulsplace.org/
  9. https://www.assuredwomenswellness.com/
  10. https://aelclicpathfinder.com/
  11. https://linerconcept.com/
  12. https://www.centre-luxembourg.com/
  13. https://jaknaker.id/